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Energia Soccer Balls
Air Pumps
Handmade Bracelets
Energia Tracts
Energia Hackey Sack Balls
New products
Fill the Container 2026
For those who wish to make a donation to the "Fill the Container" Project.
Mini Star Soccer Ball
Mini Star Soccer Ball in the five Energia colors: Red, White, Gold, Green & Black.
Energia Stress Ball
Energia Stress Ball, 12 panels, 5 color, Red, White, Gold, Green & Black. 2 ounce, soft, fiber filled.
Energia Tract French for the Congo
These tracts explain the 5 colors in a way that can be understood by all ages.
From $0.10
For those who wish to make a donation to Childrens Evangelistic Ministries, Inc.
Handmade Bracelets
Quality handmade string bracelets in our five colors. Fit children to adults. Made in the Philippines.
From $0.85
Air Pump for Inflating Balls
Air Pump for Inflating Balls. Approximately 6 inches long and come with a needle. The needle stores in the handle.
From $3.50
Energia Tract Haitian Creole
These tracts explain the 5 colors in a way that can be understood by all ages.
From $0.10